
Whether you want to organize a round-table discussion, a board meeting, a team-building event, or a lunch or dinner presentation for customers or prospects, LEF marketing & events can take care of all the practical aspects of that event.

From setting up a registration website, sending out invitations, and reporting on registrations, to finding a location that reflects your DNA and organizing catering, LEF marketing & events will ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Thanks to the company’s many years’ experience in organizing events, we know all the pitfalls and best practices, and know exactly what works well to give your customers, prospects, or partners an experience that they will never forget. Our specialization in B2B technology ensures that we can always strike the right tone of voice for the right audience. Outsourcing the organization of a meeting to LEF marketing & events means you buy yourself peace of mind and the guarantee that we will make you and your brand shine.

Feel free to contact us for offers or general information about our company.